小茉莉的新歡 – 我喜歡 Yoko
(So Mi So- La So)

Wells 在2004年接受 TeachingBooks.net 專訪時談到了《Yoko》的創作靈感來自她大女兒 Victoria 學校裡帶壽司午餐的三個日本女孩...
在同一篇專訪中,Rosemary Wells 也以《Yoko》為例,聊了她創作繪本的過程,非常值得有興趣做繪本的大小朋友參考:像《Yoko》這樣直線發展的故事,她是先在一張 layout sheet 的第一頁從帶壽司到學校開始,留下三、四頁空白,大概在第八頁讓Yoko把便當盒打開,同學們紛紛走過去揶揄她說:「噁心... 」等等等。這樣他就大概知道中間的發展過程,所以她便快速的移到最後幾頁去構思解決問題的方案,例如誰願意來試試看壽司並且喜歡吃,留下個兩三頁來收尾。
決定故事大約的頁數之後,她就把 layout sheet 暫時放在一旁,回到電腦上把她想到的文字-像是故事一樣的記下來。用16張紙對摺成32頁的樣書 (dummy),把印出來的文字剪貼在上面。接著開始在每一頁畫上草圖。這個時候因為有了圖畫,所以她會裁剪掉一半的文字。接下來的一個月裡,她添枝加葉成為初稿,自己感到滿意之後,再寄給她的編輯。等編輯看過後提出意見,要求她變這個、改那個。一本簡單的圖畫書,有時候會更改三、四次,甚至五、六次。等到都改好了,她會找第三支耳朵聽一聽這個故事,讓自己回到原點去接收不同的意見,因為這個有著不同意見的人應該也和自己一樣的希望這會是一本好書。
to Your Bunny - 每天為孩子們朗讀20分鐘"的倡導人,她說朗讀對孩子們,不管是4個月還是6個月大,來說就像是副食品、汽車安全帶和打預防針一樣重要。雖然她也一直因為電視占據了太多的家庭時間而忡忡憂心,但是為了要讓更多的孩子因為喜歡她的故事主角而願意多看點書,她還是與美國公共電視台 PBS 和 Nick Jr. 分別合作過,將包括 Ruby 和 Max、Timothy 和 Yoko等她的作品拍成了卡通。"Max
& Ruby"在今年的三月還改編成舞台表演,在全美巡迴演出。
Wells 說過的螢光筆重點話和J爸的不負責叨絮:
- 關於Read to Your
- A children's book must remain enjoyable even after it has read aloud five hundred times.而且"童書",是無論小孩、成年人或是老年人都是在第500遍讀它時都還是會感到興味盎然的。
- Reading aloud is close to nutrition, seat-belts and inoculation in importance to a young child, even as young as four and six-month-old babies. It's a way of being one-on-one with a parent, and it's irreplaceable.朗讀對孩子們,不管是4個月還是6個月大,來說就像是副食品、汽車安全帶和打預防針一樣重要。
- ALL OF US love our children more than anything in the world. In their first years we feed them so they grow. We bring them to the doctor so they are healthy. We strap them in car seats so they are safe. But the most important thing in the first years of life is the growth of the mind and spirit. This is when a child learns to love and trust, to speak and listen.我們都一樣愛孩子,愛他們茁壯、健康、平安。但是在他們的人生開端,最要緊是他們心智和性靈的成長,因為這個時候他們正在學著愛和信賴,抒發和聆聽。
- 關於孩子和上學
- (School to the young kids) is about going into the wider world and having the confidence to make your own way, to make your own mistakes and to make your own friends. And the way to do that is to be lucky enough to have a very supportive and loving family at home.對於幼小的孩子們,學校是一個蒼茫的世界,需要自信才能找到自己的生存之道、才會學習犯錯、才懂結交朋友。萬幸的是,家人的支持和關愛可以幫助他們勇往前去。
- ... there are three great dreams of childhood. One is to have eyes in the back of you head. One is to fly. And the third dream is to be able to disappear.孩題時代的三個夢想:其一為背後長眼睛,再次是飛翔,三者為隱身。
- 關於創作態度
- My workday starts at 6:00 or 6:30 in the morning ... an hour before lunch is worth three after lunch ...別太羨慕他們。在家工作者,勤奮和自律其實更重要。
- It was a combination of hard work and practice on my part, and a gift or "talent" which comes to random people straight from heaven.天堂灑落的靈光... 但願我也是那隨機選中的。惜非如此,還是努力靠自己吧!
- It's much more important to have been a child that to have children.自身的第一手體驗,總是比從別人那裡知道得好。創作童書,你不一定要有自己的小孩 (要不哪來那麼多年輕的優秀創作家?!)
- They (Rosemary's parents) believed that culture should enlightened people, not pander to them.役物或役於物,在心念之間。優游於文化之中,或是拘泥於文化之內,念哉、念哉。
- 關於作品
- The central issue in all my books is emotional content.她是說真的,她的每一本書都有自己的一種,或很種的情緒。
- ... what makes the relationship in the (Max & Ruby) series compelling is that I've added salt and pepper to it, instead of sugar.不要認為孩子們很好騙。錯~了~他們懂得,也會欣賞甜美之外的酸、苦、辣!
- Emotion and character and humor are what makes a children's book right.情緒、個性和幽默成就好的童書。
- The story begins with feelings and is embellished with humor, adventure, and character.故事從感覺開始,編織入幽默、冒險和個性。
- All my books are tiny theater pieces ...
這也是真的,自然而然衍生出電視卡通和舞台表演。更棒的是,很多Rosemary Wells的作品,都可以拿來作為幼稚園、小學低年級的學習參考。
- Rosemary
- Max & Ruby的舞台演出官網:http://www.maxandrubyontour.com/
- TeachingBooks.Net裡有8套投影片:http://www.teachingbooks.net/spec_athr.cgi?pid=3309&a=1
- TeachingBooks.Net裡的專訪pdf:
http://www.teachingbooks.net/content/Wells_qu.pdf - TeachingBooks.Net裡的Rosemary Wells 介紹Yoko系列的讀本:
- Reading Rockets整理的訪問稿
http://www.readingrockets.org/books/interviews/wells/transcript/ - 小天下出版Rosemary Wells的少年小說《藍色慧星號專頁》http://www.gkids.com.tw/newbook/KL086/index.asp