小茉莉家的書房 blog.boolog.com.tw/stardi


Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.

--- G.K. Chesterton, English novelist, 1874 ~ 1936

2010年12月31日 星期五



November 2, 2010
Today when I write homework, I’m thinking of Saturday because I’m going to a class in the morning, and I did not know where I’m going after class. and I want to play with Katie and she wants to play with me too!

December 29, 2010
I want a book, a box of 36 color pencils, a teddy bear, an animal book, a puzzle and a box of color papers. But I want to know what gifts Winnie, Nina, Kiki and Katie got for Christmas. ha ha I know! They want dolls. I know all the things they want, and I know they know what I want too!
