“All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” - J.M. Barrie 《Peter Pan》
我們用愛與意念來紀錄妳童年時的點點滴滴,因為妳所經歷的往事微塵,都是一粒粒晶瑩剔透的pixie dust。只要願意相信,輕輕灑上一點點的仙子塵,妳就能夠自由自在的輕鬆飛翔。
(pixie dust 仙子塵是Tinkerbell飛過後的點點亮光)
也和大家先分享兩段《Peter Pan》電影插曲〈I'll Try〉的Youtube影片:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1ViV2r6fJI |
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4XuWT7n-aw&feature=related |
小茉莉,愛聽故事、愛畫畫、愛閱讀、愛想像 …… 也許有一天她也會愛創作。
小茉莉的閱讀成長史是這樣子的 …
(Stage 1) Read to her – 她還是小baby的時候,我拿著書念故事給她聽,她放大瞳孔告訴我她喜歡這個故事;她用笑聲告訴我這個故事很好笑。
(Stage 2) Play with her – 6, 7個月大時,會坐了。我把board books放在他的周圍,拍了一張她坐擁書城的照片。我抓著她chubby chubby的小手指穿過好餓好餓的毛毛蟲裡一個一個的洞,當我翻到”她就變成了一隻美麗的蝴蝶了”,她會露出滿意的笑容,高興的拍拍手;我拉著她稚嫩的手掌摸著Peek-a-boo裡不同動物的羽毛和皮膚,到最後照著鏡子裡的自己哈哈大笑;我們老虎老虎碰碰頭、企鵝企鵝踩踩腳…。我們一起玩著這些書本玩得很快樂!
(Stage 3) Tell her a (bedtime) story – “說個故事吧!”小茉莉睡前輕柔的請求,是給爸爸的溫柔挑戰,一個個有頭無尾、不合邏輯的故事在我們的床上流泄而過。偶爾她也會不悅於故事的草草,但是大多數的時候,她是懷著滿意的心情,微笑著入睡。遊樂場裡的五隻小貓,是我們父女的私密故事。
(Stage 4 ) Read with her – 學會翻書看書的小茉莉,經常會拿本書來找爸爸媽媽,於是我們將她攬在胸懷裡,陪著她一起看。她就坐在我們的腿窩裡,後背靠在我們的心窩上。這是我們的貼心時刻。
(Stage 5) Read alone and read aloud – 識得字了!也有了興趣了。學校老師讓她們大聲朗誦些小書小故事給爸媽聽。孩子,我聽見妳的發音比我標準、妳的音調比我婉轉、妳的表情比我陶醉。孩子,我好喜歡妳念書的樣子。
(Stage 6) Tell me about it - 「爸比,我們來玩讀書心得分享的遊戲吧。」就在妳去看完會動的清明上河圖那天晚上妳說。於是沒去看展的我把我讀完導覽手冊的心得先分享給妳,妳若有其事的重複著妳覺得我所說的有趣的部分。之後又分享了妳剛讀完的《好新鮮教室》。女兒啊!妳帶給我好新鮮的經驗啊!
(Stage 7) Listen to others 和 (Stage 8) Share with others
不同版本的小飛俠收藏著的是我幼時的記憶 |
《Peter Pan》電影插曲〈I'll Try〉歌詞
I am not a child now.
I can take care of myself.
I mustn't let them down now-
Mustn't let them see me cry.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm to tired to listen.
I'm too old to believe:
All these childish stories.
There is no such thing as faith,
And trust,
And pixie dust.
I try,
But its to hard to believe.
I try,
But I can't see what you see.
I try.
I try.
I try.
My whole world is changing,
I don't know where to turn.
I can't leave you baby,
But I cant stay and watch the sitting burn;
Watch it burn.
'Cause I try,
But its so hard to believe!
I try,
But I can't see where you see.
I try.
I try.
I try and try,
To understand,
The distance in between:
The love I feel,
The things I fear,
I dearly say good dream.
I can finally see it.
Now I have to believe:
All those precious stories.
All the world is made of faith,
And trust,
And pixie dust.
So I'll try,
'Cause I finally believe!
I'll try,
'Cause I see where you see!
I'll try.
I'll try!
I'll try!
I'll try ~