小茉莉家的書房 blog.boolog.com.tw/stardi


Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.

--- G.K. Chesterton, English novelist, 1874 ~ 1936

2014年4月2日 星期三


周三簡易版綜合水果蜜糖吐司、茉莉奶綠茶,佐兒童人權繪本主題曲Free to be you and me!

Free to be a mover,free to be a shaker,free to move the world to a better place!
  • 蔡瓊安 499是已經編號嗎?那明天不就破500啦!
  • 黃巧虎 好繽紛的早餐
  • Vivia Chian 流口水
