小茉莉家的書房 blog.boolog.com.tw/stardi


Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.

--- G.K. Chesterton, English novelist, 1874 ~ 1936

2012年8月29日 星期三

Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don't Let the Bears Bite

澳洲的童書大師 Mem Fox 8月23日在她的部落格裡寫了一篇文章「Good Night, Sleep Tight」說她1988年時出版了一本童謠集《Good Night, Slight Tight》可惜出版商莫名倒閉,一萬本印好的書在她不知情的情況,涅槃圓寂,化作紙漿。而今因緣際會,她和長期合作的插畫家 Judy Horacek 即將重新出版這本書。看到這個好消息,心中,於是寫了個 email 給她網站中指定收件的個人助理 Edna。

這是我們的帳篷屋 : )


既然距離美夢成真還有幾個月,先來聽 Louis Amstrong 唱的「Good Night, Sleep Tight

Good Night
Time to call it a day
Sleep tight
Dream your troubles away
Good night, in spite of any sorrow
There's a brand new day
On it's way tomorrow
All your dreams will come true
Some way
For me and you
So close your eyes
And dream of it my darling
Till then good bye
Good night sleep tight


Good night, sleep tight,
Wake up bright
In the morning light
To do what's right
With all your might.

Good night, sleep tight,
Don't Let the Bedbugs Bite
Wake up bright
In the morning light
To do what's right
With all your might.

Good night, sleep tight,
Don't let the bedbugs bite.
And if they do
Then take your shoe
A nd knock 'em 'til
They're black and blue!
